Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sweet Home Alabama

Now, I could not make this stuff up if I tried.  I have never seen a cotton field.  I have seen a lot of corn fields, but definitely NO cotton fields, so the other weekend I drove with my husband to deliver some venison (that just sounds better than deer meat) to a man in Alabama that makes "venison" into fabulous sausage.  I literally made him pull over so I could take a picture and of course I had to touch it (the cotton) - which by the way is not always a good idea, to get out of a car along a highway in Alabama to touch someones cotton, those folks do not like this, but I did get a picture and my children thought it was very funny, so it was actually worth that little stop.

Ok, so now we are back in the car heading to Alabama and this place is actually only about an hour in a half away from our house.  We got there and this man was so sweet.  He must have thought we had lost our minds (well, let me rephrase, he must have thought I had lost my mind).  I asked him if I could take pictures because I was just having a picture taking kind of day.  I have never seen such a thing.  Now I am not really fond of deer meat (sorry , I know it is not a bad thing, it is just a bit gamey for me and I do my hunting at our local grocery store) but this is the best sausage I think I have ever had.  It is called Smokehouse Deer Processing in Lowery, Alabama and it was worth the drive.  They also are part of a group called "Hunter Helping the Hungry" where they give excess meat to needy families, just really nice people and really really good sausage.  


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