Sunday, May 2, 2010

Gulf Coast Oil Spill

This is just heartbreaking...  we literally sit, and wait, and pray.    It is hard to put into words how pretty it is here, but here are a few pictures.  We love where we live, but we love the beaches, the wildlife, the fishing, the everything.

Early this morning Bill took the girls down to the dock with his dad to go fishing.  Coffee and fishing and a really big funny looking turtle and a very pretty magnolia, really a perfect morning...

It has been a long weekend and it consumes us all along the Emerald Coast.  So...I let the kids do what they do best today, PLAY!  Here is hoping and praying for the best and enjoying a rainy stormy day at the beach!

A fairly yucky day, but look at how gorgeous our beaches are in spite of the storms.  I am so worried about our local families and wildlife.  In an already depressed market this is frightening.  Lifegaurds have been told they will not have jobs soon, they're closing the pass (which allows boats in and out of the bay), boat captains, boat dealers, real estate, retaurants, it has the potential to paralyze a small fishing, resort community.  People are scared and the animals... the animals, they are helpless.
  Volunteers are needed, but it is very important to understand how to help.  The Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge is preparing for a potentially huge undertaking as they mobilize for the oil response.  Old towels, baby blankets, kennels, large plastic tubs with lids (the big ones ~ 18 to 24 gallon), heating pads, heat lamps are just a few of the things they need.

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