Sometimes you will see the darndest things at garage sales... now understand I NEVER go to garage sales - as a rule, I just do not need to add to my already pretty large pile of STUFF, but this particular weekend, I was left alone with 2 babies and my 11 year old and well, I probably should not be left alone, because I knew my husband would be so excited to come home to a large metal sculpture in my yard... Well at first glance no such luck, because the guy wanted $500.00 and while I thought Fernando was pretty awesome, $500.00 would not make him all that funny, so we sadly left and went home. After much thought, my 11 year old REALLY wanted Fernando, so we went back, but they were gone already, however, we could see Fernando was still there. The next morning bright and early Morgan (my 11 year old) took it upon herself to walk down to this garage sale man and ask him if he would take $100.00 for Fernando - he reluctantly agreed and well heck, how could we pass that up right??? So my neighbor helped us get Fernando home and there he is in all his glory. Now I am sad to say the reaction I was anticipating from my husband was sadly someone disappointing, he looked at him and just shook his head. His love of Fernando was not as deep as our love - Fernando however is not done, he has captured the hearts of many Destinites and he has now taken up at a friends house... stay posted because Fernando is pretty amazing!!!

Look at the detail in his face :-)
Fernando next to Morgan...
Fernando at the garage sale...
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