Friday, May 7, 2010

Life as we know it...

May 7, 2010

I got up to get the girls ready for school and again headed to the beach.  This seems to be a recurring theme for me these days.  Living here I have always noted we take this for granted a little.  We appreciate it, we certainly depend on it, but we are families, we work, we have children, they have activities so while we love the water, we can't go to the beach everyday, but now I am taking a little time everyday to do just that and I am going to take pictures and share them with you everyday too.  I get a little snap happy, but I want you to see life as we know it...
These are protected areas for the birds mainly, but also the sea turtles nest here.  It is a very delicate Ecosystem.  The locals take this very seriously and if they see you messing with it, they will call you out.
The docks - our life blood along the Emerald Coast and the Pelicans, I love the Pelicans as you will see...  No white underpants here, these are all adults.

This "stuff" has been washing up and I am told it is some form of plankton that is naturally occurring and they are just washing up on our shore, but it is the first time I have ever seen them and perhaps I have a heightened sense of awareness, but these little creatures are sharp.

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