Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!!!

My wonderful family took me deep sea fishing in the Gulf of Mexico and I can assure you - no oil here, but beautiful dolphins and A LOT of fish.  It was chilly as we went out so I was really glad we grabbed jackets at the very last moment. We went out on the Sea Winder and it was great!

It was EARLY - my wonderful husband had me us at 5:00 a.m. and it was completely worth it!

The first catch of the day and it was mine and everyone went right back into the water :  )
I did catch a snapper a little later and a shark got on my line and I was pretty sure I was stuck on the bottom - it felt like I was trying to bring in an elephant.  Needless to say that snapper did not fair as well...

Abbi's snapper (also went back )

Look at this gorgeous coastline behind them and the equally gorgeous water.

Morgan spent the majority of her time chasing the bait fish.

My beautiful girls covered in fish goo...  they LOVED it!

We ran by Sexton's (a local seafood market - I could not find a website for them or I would have linked them) and we got a few shrimp to go home and we made ceviche for dinner, yum!

This sign kinda made me a little sad - everyone is worried, but the forecast right now is positive for us, so I am staying positive and enjoying every moment...and shrimp...and snapper...

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