Monday, May 3, 2010


Local waterways may face the threat of the BP oil spill with less protection than first expected.

Okaloosa County Public Safety Director Dino Villani said the Department of Environmental Protection determined Pensacola’s need for the booms to be greater than Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Walton counties and will not provide as many booms as he had expected.

The cleanup is still under the unified command of the Coast Guard and BP, LLC. Cleaning efforts were suspended Sunday because of the weather but the command reviewed the trajectory of the spill and announced the placement of additional booms.

My fear is they obviously do not have limitless supplies of these booms and they are attempting to mitigate damages in what they feel to be the larger populated areas.  We have not received any real updates of any magnitude for quite some time. 


  1. There was a news article that I read this morning about lawyers coming into town and looking for potential "victims" of the oil that want to sue BP, LLC for damages and lost wages. It seems like this whole thing keeps getting better and better.

  2. It is so gorgeous out there - looks like nothing is going on, just another day in paradise...
